

In business nowadays, the ability to influence, inspire and persuade others is a key skill. Having the confidence and system to stand in front of others, or present online, will propel your career to new levels.


This 3 day course will transform your skills, making you polished, impactful and confident. There are numerous activities and opportunities to continuously improve the techniques taught, and personal feedback is given throughout the course.


Who should attend?

  • Those with some experience of presenting, e.g. trainers, managers, directors, business leaders, marketing and sales people
  • Those who want to significantly improve their presenting skills, impact & confidence
  • Leaders who want to take their speaking skills to the next level


What will you learn on this course?

  • To take your presenting skills to the next level of expertise and impact
  • To quickly get rapport with, and really engage, the audience
  • To create states within the audience, such as motivation, excitement, curiosity, etc
  • To develop your own totally confident and resourceful state whilst presenting


What is covered during Professional Presenting & Speaking Skills?

The Foolproof System for organising your content

To appeal to all learning / communication styles, there is an optimal format for organising the content of your message, so as to make it appealing, interesting and persuasive. We show you how.


Body Language – what your body is saying while your mouth is talking

What is the physiology (body language) of confidence? How do you induce curiosity in your audience without actually saying anything? And if you want to lighten the mood a bit, how do you do that using body language? And you will discover how to dispel any nerves you may have with just a few easy-to-learn techniques.


Representational Systems – talking the other guy’s language

Everyone has their own preferred thinking and communicating styles, including you; if you only present using your own preferences, you can alienate up to 90% of any audience within just a few minutes. So, we find out how to appeal to ALL the different styles in any audience. Would that be useful to know?


Also included: using metaphors & loops, the Charisma Pattern, stage anchoring, how to answer any question easily and confidently.


What if you attend Professional Presenting & Speaking Skills, what then?

If you take on board the learnings from Presenting Inspiration, you will find that you are totally confident in any presentation situation, you have a tried and tested way of organising your material, and the audience will be engaged and motivated by your message, and by you!

Justin Tipper is a Certified Trainer of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), an experienced business presenter and coach. Justin brings more than 10 years of business presenting experience to this course, and teaches you some of the undisclosed skills, previously only taught at NLP Trainer’s Training.


What is the investment?

£795 (£662.50 + VAT)


Discounts available to organisations or groups registering more than one delegate.


This content can also be delivered as 1-1 coaching, for individuals who cannot commit to a 3 day workshop.


What do people say about our NLP training?

Fabulous! Definitely the best course I have ever been on.
Sandra Cardwell, Managing Director, Edgewater Associates, Isle of Man


…inspiring, life-changing…
JW, Sales Professional


Chris Sams, Future Perfect


…more than I hoped for, and much more than I expected. When’s the next one?
Dianne Lewis, Mind Matters.


Contact: Justin Tipper


Email:, call +44 (0)7624 490807